Nur Travel
Web / App Development

Project Summary

To attract tourists from abroad, you don’t only need a distinguished tourism guiding, as they are not nearby to make sure of that, but you need to create an attractive website with unique content that shows your excellent services to tourists. This is what the Nur Travel company knew and requested our services about. We were as much confident as desired and provided our services with utmost dedication, excellence, and professionalism.

Next Project


For both IOS and Android stores, we implemented a mobile app for the Fit & Rock gym in order to build a platform that takes care of healthy habits and daily exercise and facilitates communication between the interested audience and encourages the non-interested to adopt a healthy and sporty lifestyle, and this is what we took into account when creating and developing this application.


For a more comprehensive look at our service offerings, our team will be awaiting to hear from you.

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+20 100 799 8989